Top 5 False Christian Teachings We Still Believe Today

Let me first clarify myself, I'm not referring to a specific sect; rather, a Christian church in general. There are many Christian churches, many Christian people, doctrines, and many beautiful preaching from different preachers; therefore, we can't be so sure who's telling right or wrong. Let me present to you the top five(5) Christian teachings that may be false according to the scripture:

1.  You will be saved by just believing in Jesus
This teaching is so familiar with Christians nowadays, that by believing and accepting Jesus in your heart will get you into heaven, no works needed, just believe and you will be saved.

Why is it false?
Believing doesn't mean following, these are two different things! The scripture says in James 2:19 '...Even the demons believe - and shudder!'. We can't deny that believing is good, and that's one step to salvation, but it doesn't mean that we should just believe. Though some scripture speaks about believing; the scripture never suggest that all you have to do is to believe!

What's truth?
It is necessary for someone to believe in Christ and His word, but if you really believe, you will act. In John 8:31 Jesus said, 'If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,'. Abiding to the word of Christ is doing what it says. Abraham didn't just believe, he did in faith what was God had told him. Cain also believe in the Lord, but does not do what should be done according to the will of God. So, we can see the difference and conclude; 'faith without work is dead', and faith that's dead can't bring you life.

2.  Bible as the only source of truth 
We all know that the Holy Bible carries the word of God. It gives us instructions for our daily lives. Some Christians believed that if it's not in the Bible, it could be wrong. Because Bible is the only source of truth, nothing more, nothing less.

Why is it false?
Bible is a source of truth! That's absolute and no true Christian would rebut me for saying that. But it's a dangerous thing to believe that it is the only source of God's truth, it'll only cause confusion to church, especially in explaining some scriptures. Remember that II Peter is not actually second, but third. If there are three letters written by Peter, what does the real second letter says? Who's prophet says that Jesus will be called a Nazarene? And who wrote the II Samuel? Are these discussed in the Bible?

What's truth?
I will give you a passage that would give light to your mind, it's for you to decide. In II Thessalonians 2:15 it says, 'So then brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter'. This passage suggests that there are apostolic traditions, spoken word, and written teachings. We cannot deny these things! Plus, there is the church, who is commissioned by Christ to teach His words to the whole world.

3.  Keep the Sabbath day holy, so, we should go to church every Sunday
Yes, you read it right! It is about the Sabbath. Many Christians believe that the Sabbath day is actually Saturday, but they go to church every Sunday anyway.

Why is it false?
Sabbath day is different from what we are celebrating during Sundays. Have you noticed why most working schedules are only from Mondays to Fridays and Saturdays are not included? Sabbath is indeed holy, but it is not what we are celebrating during Sundays.

What's truth?
The Holy Bible didn't give us the information why we should do mass during Sunday, this proved this one truth that the church has the authority to decide for the whole body of Christ; like what they've done when they replace Judas Iscariot. Where did they get the idea of casting lots? Or about the circumcision; on what to teach and not to be taught? We can see in the scripture (Acts 20:7) that the apostles were gathered on the first day of the week to break bread (or for the Eucharist). Perhaps, it's a church tradition that we celebrate the Eucharist on the first day of the week to honor Christ's resurrection which happened on Sunday. Plus, the Pentecost (birth of the church) also happened on Sunday.

4.  God only give you storms that you are able to handle
Some churches are teaching this to their members, even my grandmother, my mother, my father, and my relatives talked about it. It is well-known to many Christians and is a favorite quote to give to someone or self in times of struggles.

Why is it false?
These are my arguments for this matter:
-When Prophet Jonah was in the stomach of a fish for three days and three nights, are you saying that he can actually make a way out of it by himself?
-When Moses and the Israelite were trapped between the force of Pharaoh and the red sea. Did Moses part the red sea and made the Israelite escape by himself?
-Was being brutally beaten to the point of death not beyond once capacity, like what happened to Paul, Peter, and other apostles and early church martyrs?

You may answer these questions and determine for yourself why is it false.

What's truth?
You can find its (so-called) reference in I Corinthians 10:13, 'No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.'. But wait, there's something here, Paul isn't talking about struggles, problems, or pains here. He was talking about temptation, that for us to be delivered in times of temptation, God always provide a way of escape. So, if it's not the proper way to say in times of struggle, what should we say instead? There are many passages in the Bible that you can use to inspire someone or even yourself in times of trouble, some of these are; I will never leave you nor forsake you (Heb. 13:5), He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ (Phi. 1:6), Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life (Psalm 23:6), Do not worry about anything (Phil. 4:6-7), and many more. God is giving us struggles more than we can handle for us to put our trust in Him, to rely on Him on the process, and to change our hearts from being self-reliant to humility.

5.  There is rapture before tribulation
Rapture is believe to occur before the coming of the Antichrist, that the true believers who lived in faith and hope for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ will be caught up to heaven and be saved even from tribulation.

Why is it false?
Simply because we have mistaken the scripture. We believe in what so called the pre-tribulation rapture where the objective is to save us from the coming deception and power of the Antichrist. But this is not the case, Jesus never mention anywhere in the scripture about pre-tribulation rapture; but the coming of the Son of Man. You may argue about it using these verses, Matt. 24:36-44, or I Cor. 15:51-53, or I Thes. 4:16-18, but nevertheless, it doesn't talk about pre-tribulation rapture, these are one event and it will not be in secret.

What's truth?
As I've mentioned above, the bible didn't tell us about pre-trib rapture; rather, it tells us about the soon coming of Christ where everyone will know and see. It'll not be in secret, the verses that I put above are just few of the verses that actually didn't prove pre-trib; rather, it actually proved that these will all happen in one event. For example, in Matt. 24, Jesus keeps saying YOU, which means His followers. In I Thes. 4, it says, with a LOUD trumpet. In Matt. 24 again, it says in verse 13, 'but the one who endures to the end will be saved.' and who's that one? A true Christian right? No false Christian will endure the suffering of the tribulation! Therefore, true Christians are here during the time of tribulation, so, don't be deceived by this sugar coated teaching!

In my opinion
There are many beliefs out there that turned to be wrong; however, it takes more than knowledge to attain real salvation. For me, you have to start believing and following and loving Christ with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; then, God will surely show you the truth - through His words and His people, the church!

Mga Komento