Am I Walking The Right Path?
"Am I doing it right?", "Am I doing the will of God?", "Am I becoming what God really wants me to be?". These questions are big dilemmas for not a few Christians I know. I myself had formerly thought about these things. I was serving and loving God for a couple of years but I always had thoughts about these questions. I admit, I became confused, but not until I found a passage that really changed the way I see the things of God.
Knowing the will of God for your life doesn't mean doing perfectly the tasks God designed for you to do, rather, it is becoming the person God is designing you to become. But the question is, "What kind of person God wanted me to be?". A very impressive question, isn't it? The answer is found on Galatians chapter 5 starting from 22 up to 24, it reads like this (ESV Version):
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control: against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires."
Having the Holy Spirit is having it all, no one will become what God wanted them to become, unless they are filled and sanctified by the Spirit of God himself. If you want to become a finish product of God's sanctifying grace, then, as the scripture says, you must live and walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25) and you know you did when you are continuously developing these attributes:
1. Love - it's not a question of why the Holy Spirit produces love, because the Holy Spirit himself is the breath of love that connects the Father and the Son. Love is not a sense of feeling towards other, but a decision to care for others and do something about it.
2. Joy - more than happiness, Christians have this kind of inner power that could not be taken away from them. No matter what the situation, whether in darkness or light, in failure or success, in sickness or in health, and you name it, they can still offer worship and adoration to God.
3. Peace - joy and peace are mutually connected to each other, the world may rattle, but true Christians have this inner power (cause by the Spirit), the calmness and hope that cannot be affected by outside forces.
4. Patience - without patience there is envy, without it there is jealousy, and there even is sexual immorality. Waiting for God's perfect time and praying without ceasing are really works of the Spirit.
5. Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness - truly, no one can't have these things if someone is full of himself. What would happen if someone only think about himself? Surely, he will treat others as irritating; as blockage to the things he want. But with the help of the Holy Spirit, someone will learn to see other people as an opportunity; an opportunity to love, to give, and to care. Causing that someone to think for the good of others more than the good for himself.
6. Faithfulness - being faithful is a great challenge nowadays. Considering all the influence of social media, TV shows, friends, and even in church itself. See the numerous numbers of broken families, broken friendships, single mothers, and many more. Faithfulness isn't just a word in every relationship, but a discipline to stay true to the commitment you have towards other people. Truly, the Holy Spirit desires to empower us with this attribute; FAITHFULNESS.
7. Self-control - Bishop Barron clearly state on one of his videos that self-control means aligning, ordering or organizing things in the basis of love. I believe that love as basis of whatever we do or whatever we decide on will actually solve the issues of self-control.
Now, if you're decided to become what God designed you to be. Let us invite the Holy Spirit to come into our lives, because unless we invited Him and asking Him to take over, He cannot come. Pray and invite Him now saying, "Come Holy Spirit I need you".
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