Mga Post

Ipinapakita ang mga post mula sa Oktubre, 2017

Feeling Depressed? There's Hope!

During this month of October, I've seen a lot of social media posts regarding depression . A video of someone saying that it's just an act or self-inflicted, other posts suggest that it's actually a very serious problem nowadays, especially of the youth, and others alike. I wonder what depression really is, so, I pray for wisdom and conducted my own research about it. As a result, I've found a horrifying truth, it is indeed a serious problem . Someone who suffers depression experiences something more than just sadness. The pain they have are on a different level, it is never be for show; rather, they keep everything within themselves. They feel useless, alone, guilty, and helpless, they even lost interest on the things they once does. No wonder many commit suicide because it also affects the way they act and think. I believe it is unfair for them to say 'we know how they feel', because we don't.  They  really  need help! There's still hope! For...

Am I Walking The Right Path?

"Am I doing it right?", "Am I doing the will of God?", "Am I becoming what God really wants me to be?". These questions are big dilemmas for not a few Christians I know. I myself had formerly thought about these things. I was serving and loving God for a couple of years but I always had thoughts about these questions. I admit, I became confused, but not until I found a passage that really changed the way I see the things of God. Knowing the will of God for your life doesn't mean doing perfectly the tasks God designed for you to do, rather, it is  becoming the person God is designing you to become. But the question is, "What kind of person God wanted me to be?". A very impressive question, isn't it? The answer is found on Galatians chapter 5 starting from 22 up to 24, it reads like this (ESV Version): "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control: agai...